Community Foundation celebrates community partners

Monday, April 3, 2023
Sarah Stone

Like many others, I’ve attended my fair share of galas, golf outings and other fundraising events. I’ve worked in the nonprofit space for several years, volunteered for several more and have been on both the organizer and donor sides of such events.

While they have all served a great purpose and benefited valuable missions and organizations, they tend to blur together over time. A couple of fundraisers have stood out as memorable experiences but even for those, I’m not likely to remember the entire program or the specific words that were shared. There is one, however, that I think about often.

As I sat in attendance at a fundraiser luncheon, the emcee raised her copy of the event program and asked the audience to open to the page which recognized the event sponsors. She asked us to really look at the list of local businesses and companies that invested in the mission that we were there to support. She said that as we choose what businesses to interact with in our everyday lives, it’s important to consider who we are supporting.

The event sponsors had an obvious similar interest, and they likely shared similar values to those of us in the audience. What better way to learn about what’s truly important to a business than to see what social causes they support? The emcee encouraged us to consider supporting the event sponsors in return for their philanthropic investment in an organization that we all cared about.

It made so much sense to me. I now pay much more attention to which businesses and individuals are sponsoring the organizations and missions that I care about, and I encourage you to do the same.

At the Putnam County Community Foundation, we are grateful for our sponsors and have been fortunate to work with great community partners in 2023. Some of these businesses have been longtime supporters of the Community Foundation, while others are just beginning their support. We are grateful for both and ask you to consider patronizing these local businesses for all they do for Putnam County.

Thank you to our Gold partners: Hendricks Power, Hendricks Regional Health and Tri-County Bank & Trust. Thank you to our Silver partners: Hoosier Heartland State Bank and Ruoff Mortgage. Thank you to our Bronze partners: Buzzi Unicem USA and Prime Real Estate. And thank you to our additional community partners: Abstract & Title and Cloverdale Drugs.

If your business is interested in joining the Putnam County Community Foundation as a community partner in 2023, please contact me at 653-4978 or by email at We know that we live in a philanthropic community and would love to include you in our work this year.

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